Events at Cartsbridge

King's Club Saturdays
The return of King’s Club Saturdays - fun, games, bible story and singing for Primary aged children!
Register at https://bit.ly/KC_sats

September church:
How many times have you said that recently?
How often have you heard it used in the last few days?
How frequently do you write it or read it in a WhatsApp message?
In the past it might have been used more sparingly, but 'perfect' is a fairly common word in everyday conversation these days, and perhaps it's utilised a bit too loosely.
We're going to think about the word 'perfect' in greater detail at church: during the 2023-24 season, and our theme sentence for these evenings is:
is anything actually perfect?...investigating the complete hope God offers us through Jesus Christ
We hope to do that by looking at eight different aspects between September 2023 and May 2024, starting on Sunday evening with 'perfect works' (Deuteronomy 32 v 4).
It's a time for people of every age group, so we hope you can join us. One part of our opening night is hearing from a special guest who has two very interesting jobs...see you there!

church: March
This Sunday night, the March instalment of church: is on! We hope you can join us for the sixth evening of our eighth season, as we explore further into the ‘You’ll never make a saint of me’ series.
This month we’ll hear about 'the reluctant prophet' called Jonah, who didn't particularly fancy fulfilling the plan God had for him, so tried to go elsewhere with an alternative agenda. Alas, God intervened and showed Jonah that His way really is the best way.
We’ll have fun, fellowship, prayer, worship, teaching & refreshments from 6.15pm! (Please bring your church: reusable cup or something similar for tea or coffee!)

Kings Club 2022
Booking is live for Kings Club 2022! Join the team Monday 8th to Friday 12th August, 10.30am to 2.30pm. Sign up here: https://bit.ly/KC22booking

Our monthly evening service at Cartsbridge comprising of worship, community, teaching, creativity and prayer.
All ages welcome from 6.15pm

Our monthly evening service at Cartsbridge comprising of worship, community, teaching, creativity and prayer.
All ages welcome from 6.15pm

Our monthly evening service at Cartsbridge comprising of worship, community, teaching, creativity and prayer.
All ages welcome from 6.15pm

Our monthly evening service at Cartsbridge comprising of worship, community, teaching, creativity and prayer.
All ages welcome from 6.15pm

Acoustic Cafe
A special evening of live music and chat!
Tickets £2 on the door with proceeds going to Glasgow City Mission

Our monthly evening service at Cartsbridge comprising of worship, community, teaching, creativity and prayer.
All ages welcome from 6.15pm

The Alpha Course
For 10 weeks the Alpha course will run in Cartsbridge on a Thursday night. This is a great opportunity to know more about the truth of Christianity and its significance for you.
For more details click here

Our monthly evening service at Cartsbridge comprising of worship, community, teaching, creativity and prayer.
All ages welcome from 6.15pm

Keswick Ayrshire
Keswick Ayrshire aims to draw Christians from Ayrshire and the surrounding area together for praise, fellowship and gathering around God’s Word, with guest speaker Simon Manchester.
Friday 25th May - Sunday 27th May at 7.30pm each night.
The Park Hotel, Kilmarnock
Watch this video for more information:

baby boy by Act of Faith
A new production for Christmas by Act of Faith productions! Join us for what will be a fantastic event!

church: - the fruitful life
Our monthly evening service at Cartsbridge comprising of worship, community, teaching, creativity and prayer.
All ages welcome from 6.15pm

Reffirming the Bible as Truth - GLO Mini Bible School
Tuesday's speakers are Stephen McQuoid, the General Director of GLO, on the subject, 'What is Scripture' and Simon Marshall, the Principal of Tilsley College, with the subject, 'Why Should the Bible be Important to me?'. On the Thursday evening we welcome Peter Williams, the warden of Tyndale House, he will be lecturing on 'Can I Really Trust the Bible?'.
The cost is £5 for both nights at the GLO Auditorium, Motherwell.
Visit http://www.glo-europe.org/glo/ for more information and to register.

Reaffirming the Bible as Truth - GLO Mini Bible School
Tuesday's speakers are Stephen McQuoid, the General Director of GLO, on the subject, 'What is Scripture' and Simon Marshall, the Principal of Tilsley College, with the subject, 'Why Should the Bible be Important to me?'. On the Thursday evening we welcome Peter Williams, the warden of Tyndale House, he will be lecturing on 'Can I Really Trust the Bible?'.
The cost is £5 for both nights at the GLO Auditorium, Motherwell.
Visit http://www.glo-europe.org/glo/ for more information and to register.
When the Holy Spirit comes Conference
Together with South West Scotland Church Network, Cartsbridge will host a special event exploring the subject of the Holy Spirit.
David Childs from Strathaven Evangelical Church will explore the views we often take about the person of Holy Spirit and how these align with the Bible.
Alasdair Fyfe from Cartsbridge Evangelical Church will address the experience of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit upon an individual life.
Both speakers will be available for Q&A during the course of the conference.
9.30am - Refreshments
10.00am - Session One
11.00am - Session Two
12.00pm - Lunch
12.30pm - Departure

Acoustic Night
Join us for an evening of live music as we launch The Alpha Course! For more information visit www.cartsbridgechurch.com/alpha

King's Club
King's Club returns this summer from the 1st - 7th August and 2016 is also the 30th Anniversary year of King's Club!!
A fantastic, exciting, energetic, fun-filled, action packed week for all primary aged children!